Where can I recycle...

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In the UK, households throw away over 26.8 million tonnes of waste. That is the same weight as 3.83 million male African Elephants!



This area has been designed for both teachers and pupils to use. You will find a number of activities that can be carried out at school or at home.



recycle-more aims to highlight some of the ways in which organisations can help to minimise their impact on the environment.

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Power to do more together: 6 reasons why you should recycle your waste batteries

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How to be less wasteful on Pancake Day

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Eco Valentine's

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Epic Facts

According to our EPIC database, over 5 billion eggs are sold via UK supermarkets each year! How do you eat yours - scrambled, fried or poached?

Tweets by recyclemore

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recycle-more own and host the UK’s most comprehensive recycling bank search facility. This extremely successful feature supports the Government’s own recycling brand

Find out more